
挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

Svartisen发电厂 is located inside a mountain at the head of Holandsfjorden in the municipality of Meløy in Nordland County.

  • 1993
  • 600 MW
  • 2,195.5、妇女

The power station was completed in 1993 with a generating unit of 350 MW, the largest in 挪威 at the time. Another generating unit of 250 MW was added in 2010. Both units are equipped with Francis turbines. Svartisen发电厂 utilizes a height of fall of 585 metres.

Svartisen发电厂 receives water from both Rana and Beiarn municipalities, and from a number of rivers and streams west of the Svartisen glacier – a network consisting of a total of 100 kilometres of tunnels with about 50 stream intakes. The power plant also utilizes melt water from Svartisen through a larger intake below the glacier In addition, Svartisen发电厂 makes use of the catchment areas that were previously used by Glomfjord power plant (see separate information page).

The main reservoir and intake reservoir is 湖Storglomvatn. It is the largest in terms of water volume and holds 3.5 billion cubic metres when full. The power plant is equipped with a large internal sand trap to collect glacial sediments that might otherwise end up entering the turbines. A laboratory has been established for glacier research under Svartisen.

Like many other of mg游戏官方网站's large plants from the 1980s and 1990s, the plans for Svartisen发电厂 were drawn by architect Egil Sorteberg.


公司 所有权份额
mg游戏官方网站 70%
诺兰郡议会 30%
  • Svartisen发电厂 reception building

    The entry portal to Svartisen发电厂 sits below imposing glaciers.

  • Machine hall with generating units, lighting and bare rock wall.
    Ole Kjartan Gjelseth

    Machine hall with generating units, lighting and bare rock wall.

  • This turbine shaft gives an idea of the giant dimensions involved.
    Ole Kjartan Gjelseth

    This turbine shaft gives an idea of the giant dimensions involved.

  • The ball valve regulates a water flow of up to 70 000 litres per second.
    Ole Kjartan Gjelseth

    The ball valve regulates a water flow of up to 70 000 litres per second.

  • 湖Storglomvatn near Svartisen


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