
挪威 / 水电 / Power plant

豪克利电厂 is located in Vinje Municipality in Vestfold and Telemark County.

  • 1957
    Entered into operation
  • 5 MW
  • 38.2、妇女

The old 豪克利电厂 was commissioned in 1957 and was the first power plant in the Tokke development. The old plant was demolished in the summer of 2013 to make room for a new 豪克利电厂.

The new 豪克利电厂 was commissioned in 2013.

豪克利电厂 has an architecture that fits well into its surroundings
豪克利电厂 has an architecture that fits well into its surroundings. (图片来源:Anita l . ærum)

The plant is equipped with a horizontal Francis turbine and uses the height of fall from Lake Vatjern down to the lower section of the Flothylåi 河. The gross height of fall is 265 metres.

An old turbine runner and a commemorative plaque celebrate over 50 years of operation for the old 豪克利电厂
An old turbine runner and a commemorative plaque celebrate over 50 years of operation for the old 豪克利电厂. (图片来源:Anita l . ærum)


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